Lighting is an important component when it comes to outdoor and indoor lighting. They make spaces beautiful. Still more, lights can boost your home’s security level. However, there are different types of lighting out there. Each of these lighting types comes with features, lighting quality, and cost. To select the right lighting option, it’s important to understand important parameters in the lighting industry. This includes LUX, Lumen. In this guide, you will learn about these parameters, helping you select the best lighting option for your home.
All lights—irrespective of their quality and levels—are measured in watts. By definition, the measurement of pawer is known as a watt. This means that wattage refers to the rate at which electricity is consumed by light. In other words, the measurement of power is known as watts. For instance, if a bulb is labeled 60 watts, it means that electricity is consumed at a rate of 60 watts.
Here, higher caliber-based lights tend to use a higher amount of wattage to sustain their required output level. This means that the wattage used for lighting the bulbs cannot be the same as that for video production. The video production commands a higher wattage.

The measurement of any visible light is known as lumen. In most cases, Lumens is used to compare LEDs with tungsten lights. LEDs consume less wattage, making them efficient, economical, and environmentally friendly. Lighting output, also known as lumens, helps measure different types of lights. According to experts, tungsten light tends to achieve 12 to 18 lumens per watt. On the other hand, LEDs can do 30-80 lumens per watt. Understanding how lumens are measured will help you know the light output from your home’s lights.
While lumens try to measure the amount of light, lux are actually units of illumination. Technically speaking, 1 lux is equal to 1 lumen evenly distributed over a unit square meter. Simply put, lux tends to measure light-based area.
This means that distance influences lux. This is because the larger they are further the light moves. Lights that cover a larger surface area tend to be more dispersed. This means that the number of Lux will significantly go down.
Lux is used as a standard unit of light intensity. Light intensity is also known as illumination. It’s can also be referred to as illuminance.
Lumens & Lux

According to experts, 1 LUX is equivalent to a lumen spread over a square meter. This means that lux signifies the number of Lumens (i.e., light output) needed over a given area to be illuminated. Thus, 1,00 lumens over one meter square require an illuminance level of up to 1000 lux. On the other hand, if 1,000 lux are spread over 10 squire meters, the illuminance level required will be100 Lux.
The Bottom-Line
The above are common types of lighting parameters. Understanding these parameters will help you chose the right lighting solution for your home or office.
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